You Got Me There


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The internet slang termYou Got Me Thereis used to admit or acknowledge that someone has presented a valid point or argument that the speaker cannot refute. Its like saying, “I cannot argue with what you just said.” This phrase is commonly used during online discussions, debates, or playful banter.

1. Person A: Vaccines have been scientifically proven to be safe and effective. There is ample evidence to support this fact.
Person B: Yeah, you got me there. I can’t argue with the overwhelming scientific consensus.

2. Person A: I think pineapple on pizza tastes great. It adds a nice balance of flavors.
Person B: Hmm, you got me there. Taste is subjective, and some people do enjoy that combination.

surprise, surprised, startled, reserved, caught off guard, nonplussed, baffled, stumped, confounded, stymied, flummoxed, mystified, dumbfounded, perplexed
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