Yeah, Nah


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The slang termyeah, nahis used to express contradiction or disagreement. It is commonly used in casual conversations or when making decisions.

In more detail, when someone says “yeah, nah,” they are essentially sayingyes” followed by a negation. The term can be confusing for non-native speakers as it may sound contradictory. However, in slang usage, the “yeah” often serves as a filler word or acknowledgement before expressing disagreement with the following “nah.” It is a way of politely declining or expressing doubt while still maintaining a friendly tone.

Example 1:
Person A: “Do you want to come with us to the party tonight?”
Person B: “Yeah, nah, I think I’ll stay home and catch up on some sleep.”

Example 2:
Person A: “Did you like the movie?”
Person B: “Yeah, nah, it wasn’t really my taste. I prefer action films instead.”

Note: It’s important to note that the interpretation of “yeah, nah” can vary depending on the context and the tone in which it is used.

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