Yada Yada


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The internet slang termYada Yadais used to dismiss or skip over something that is considered unimportant or tedious. It suggests that the speaker is not interested in providing further details or does not want to waste time discussing a particular topic.


1. Person A: “So, last night I went to a party and saw this amazing singer perform. And then I met a friend of a friend who happens to be…”
Person B: “Yada yada, get to the important part. Did you get to talk to the singer?”

2. Person A: “I was going to tell you about my day, but it was just the regular routine. I woke up, went to work, had meetings, ate lunch, more meetings, and then came home.”
Person B: “Yada yada. Anything interesting or worth mentioning happened during those meetings?”

Person A: “I was at this convention, and there were so many presentations, workshops, and discussions.”
Person B: “Yada yada, did you get any freebies or meet any influential people?”

Person A: “I was telling him about my new project, explaining all the technical details and the challenges I faced.”
Person B: “Yada yada, did he show any interest or provide any useful feedback?”

blah, blah blah, etc., blah de blah, so on and so forth, and so on
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