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Wyw stands forWhat You Want.” It is a short internet slang term used to ask someone what they want or desire. It can be used in various online conversations, chats, or text messages, primarily to inquire about the preferences, desires, or choices of another person.


1. Person A: Hey, Im getting dinner tonight. Wyw?
Person B: Anything is fine with me. Surprise me!

2. Person A: My playlist is on shuffle. Wyw song do you want to listen to?
Person B: How about “Shape of You” by Ed Sheeran?

In the first example, Person A is asking Person B what they want for dinner, implying that Person A is willing to accommodate any food preferences. Person B responds by saying that anything is fine and would like to be surprised.

In the second example, Person A is asking Person B to choose a specific song from their playlist to listen to. Person B suggests the song “Shape of You” by Ed Sheeran.

In both instances, Wyw is used to inquire about the other person’s preferences or desires, seeking their input or choice within the given context.

wyw, what you want, what's your wish, what are you up to
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