WDYM stands for “What Do You Mean?” It is an abbreviation commonly used in internet slang to express confusion or ask for clarification when someone’s statement or message is not clear. People use this term to seek further explanation or understanding.
Here are two practical examples to illustrate the use of WDYM:
Example 1:
- Person A: “Sorry, I can’t come to the party tonight. I have something important to do.”
- Person B: “WDYM? We’ve been planning this for weeks!”
In this example, Person B is confused about Person A’s sudden change of plans. They use WDYM to ask for clarification and understand the reason behind Person A’s inability to attend the party.
Example 2:
- Person A: “The movie was so awesome! Everyone was ROFL!”
- Person B: “WDYM? I thought it got terrible reviews.”
In this example, Person B is confused because they heard negative feedback about the movie. They use WDYM to express their confusion and ask Person A to explain why they found it enjoyable despite the supposed bad reviews.
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