Suss Out


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Suss outin internet slang means to evaluate or figure out something or someone. It is commonly used to describe the process of gathering information or analyzing a situation to make a judgment or form an opinion.

Example 1:
Hey, can you help me suss out this new software? Im having trouble understanding how it works.
In this sentence, “suss out” is used to indicate seeking assistance in understanding or figuring out the new software.

Example 2:
I need to suss out if this online store is reliable before making a purchase.
– In this example, the phrase “suss out” is used to express the need to evaluate the credibility or trustworthiness of an online store before deciding to buy something.

Overall, “suss out” is used when someone wants to investigate, evaluate, or gather information in order to make a decision or form an opinion.

figure out, determine, ascertain
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