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Asparkledogis a term used in internet slang to refer to a character, often found in digital art or role-playing communities, which is excessively colorful or heavily adorned with accessories. It is usually used to describe characters with an overwhelming amount of vibrant colors, sparkles, patterns, and additional features like extra tails or wings.

1. In a digital art chatroom:

User1: Check out this character design I made, what do you think?
User2: Wow, thats a real sparkledog! It’s so flashy with all those bright neon colors and patterns.

2. In a role-playing forum:

User1: I just created a new character for the fantasy RPG we’re playing. Here’s a description of their appearance:
User2: Woah, that certainly sounds like a sparkledog! They have rainbow-colored fur, glowing eyes, and even tiny stars floating around them. It’s quite extravagant!

glitterpup, shinydog, flashydog, sparklepup, sparklydog
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