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Categories: Internet Slang

SCNR stands forSorry, Could Not Resist.” It is an internet slang term or abbreviation used to express remorse for not being able to resist making a comment or joke, even if it might be unnecessary or inappropriate. People use SCNR to lighten the mood and indicate that their remark was made in good fun or without any harmful intentions.


1. I know it’s cheesy, but why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field, SCNR!

2. Person A: Can you believe it took me five attempts to parallel park today?

Person B: Well, maybe you should stick to the parking lots, SCNR!

In both examples, SCNR is used to emphasize that the comment being made is meant as a lighthearted joke rather than a serious criticism.

SCNR, Sorry Could Not Resist, Could Not Help Myself
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