Ruffle Feathers


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Ruffle Feathers is an internet slang term used to describe the action of provoking or annoying someone by saying or doing something that challenges their beliefs, opinions, or feelings. It refers to the act of intentionally causing agitation or distress in another person, often through the use of controversial or offensive statements.

1. During an online debate about climate change, John started to ruffle feathers by making sarcastic comments about the effects of global warming. His intention was to provoke an emotional response from others, leading to heated arguments.
2. After a popular video game was released, a user left a negative review on a forum to ruffle feathers among fans of the game. The user knew that expressing a contrary opinion would stir up strong reactions and cause heated discussions.

provoke, annoy, offend, upset, bother, agitate, disturb, irritate, infuriate, incense
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