Put You Up To Yourself


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In simple language, “Put You Up To Yourselfis an internet slang term typically used to encourage someone to take responsibility for their actions or decisions. It implies that the person should rely on their own abilities and judgment rather than seeking guidance or validation from others. Here are two practical examples illustrating the use of this term:

Example 1:

Person A: “I don’t know if I should go on this adventure alone. I want someone to tell me it’s a good idea.”
Person B: “Put you up to yourself! Trust your instincts and make the decision based on what you think is right.”

Example 2:

Person A: “I’m struggling with choosing a career path. I need someone to tell me what I should do.”
Person B: “Put you up to yourself! Reflect on your passions and skills, and figure out what truly makes you happy. You have the power to make your own choices.”

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