Oppai Loli


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Oppai Loli is an internet slang term used to refer to a character who is both busty (opposite meaning of Oppai which means large breasts in Japanese) and young-looking (Loli refers to a character resembling a prepubescent girl). It is often used within certain online communities or forums to describe a fictional female character that possesses both these features.


1. I can’t believe they designed the new video game character as an Oppai Loli, it’s just not appropriate!

2. That anime series is known for its Oppai Loli characters, the fans seem to really enjoy it.

Oppai Loli refers to a character who has both a large bust and a young appearance.
Some people find the use of Oppai Loli characters in media controversial due to its representation of minors.

cute, busty, young, anime girl
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