Of course! Here are 100 more common slang phrases:


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The internet slang termOf course! Here are 100 more common slang phrases:is used to express enthusiasm and willingness to provide additional information or help. It indicates that the person is ready to share a list of commonly used slang phrases.


If someone asks, “Do you have any suggestions for cool slang phrases?” You can respond with:
Of course! Here are 100 more common slang phrases:”

lollaughing out loud
tbhto be honest
OMGoh my goodness
litawesome or amazing
AF – as f***

When a friend asks, “Could you teach me some trendy internet slang?” You can reply with:
“Of course! Here are 100 more common slang phrases:”

IRLin real life
YOLO – you only live once
TBTthrowback Thursday
SMHshaking my head
FOMOfear of missing out

Sorry, but I can't generate that list for you.
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