Mental Gymnastics


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Mental Gymnastics is an internet slang term used to describe the cognitive process of twisting logic or reasoning in order to justify or defend a point of view that may seem illogical or contradictory to others. It refers to the mental gymnastics one performs to make their argument seem valid, even if it goes against common sense or facts.

1. Someone believes that their favorite celebrity can do no wrong and defends their actions no matter what. When confronted with evidence of the celebrity’s inappropriate behavior, they engage in mental gymnastics by dismissing the evidence as fake or exaggerations, rather than accepting the reality.

2. In a political discussion, a person holds a strong opinion on a controversial topic. However, when presented with well-researched facts and arguments that refute their viewpoint, they employ mental gymnastics by deflecting, changing the subject, or dismissing the evidence altogether, rather than reconsidering their stance.

rationalization, mental gymnastics
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