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Lmr is a slang term used to indicate “Let’s Make a Rule.” It is commonly used in online gaming or group settings when someone suggests establishing a new rule or guideline.

In gaming or group settings, Lmr is often used to propose the creation of a rule that can help regulate gameplay or interactions within the group. This term is typically employed when someone wants to suggest a new guideline or policy, especially when playing online games or participating in activities with friends or acquaintances.

Example 1:
Player 1: Lmr, no using cheat codes during this session.
Player 2: Agreed, let’s keep it fair and challenging for everyone.

Example 2:
Friend 1: Lmr, no talking about work during our hangouts.
Friend 2: Absolutely, let’s keep our personal time free from work stress.

Note: The term “Lmr” is an example of internet slang and may not be widely understood outside of specific online communities or gaming circles.

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