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The internet slang termlifegoalsis a phrase used to represent someones desired achievements or aspirations in life. It is typically used to describe something that a person wants to accomplish or possess, often relating to their personal or professional life.


1. I just saw a picture of a beautiful beach house with a stunning view. Lifegoals! I wish I could own a house like that someday.
2. Just watched an inspiring TED Talk about entrepreneurship. Getting my own successful business someday is definitely lifegoals for me.

Here are some practical examples to help further illustrate the use of “lifegoals”:

After watching a celebrity chef prepare a mouth-watering meal on TV, I added becoming a renowned chef to my list of lifegoals.
When scrolling through social media and seeing pictures of breathtaking landscapes, it often ignites my wanderlust and enhances my lifegoals of exploring the world.

aspirations, dreams, ambitions
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