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Categories: Internet Slang

IYKYK stands forIf you know, you know.” It is an internet slang term implying that only those who are familiar with a specific topic or situation will understand the hidden meaning or significance behind it.



You see a tweet that says:

“Had to take the L today. IYKYK.”

In this example, the person is acknowledging that they experienced a loss or setback, but they are not explicitly stating what it is. However, if you are aware of the context or have prior knowledge, you will understand the specific incident or situation being referred to.


In a discussion thread, someone posts:

“That movie ending was insane! IYKYK.”

Here, the person is expressing their excitement about a movie’s ending, but they are hinting that the ending holds an unexpected twist or surprise. The abbreviation IYKYK suggests that if you have seen the movie and know the ending, you will understand why it generates such intense reactions.

Overall, IYKYK is used to convey a sense of exclusivity, implying that only those with certain knowledge or experiences will comprehend the full meaning behind a statement or reference.

IYKYK: SecretCode, InsiderKnowledge, ExclusiveInfo
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