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Inyis an internet slang term used to express an action or sentiment of ignoring or disregarding someone or something. It is often used to show indifference or indifference towards a particular person, topic, or situation.


1. Person A: Did you see the new movie that everyone is talking about?
Person B: Nah, Im totally iny about it. Not really interested.

2. Person A: I keep messaging him, but he hasn’t replied. What should I do?
Person B: Just be iny and move on. Theres no point in waiting for a response.

Person A: Have you heard about the latest celebrity gossip?
Person B: I’m iny when it comes to celebrity news. It doesn’t interest me at all.

Person A: Can you help me solve this math problem? It’s really confusing.
Person B: Sorry, I’m iny when it comes to math. I won’t be of much help.

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