I Don’t Know What To Tell You is an internet slang term used to express frustration, disbelief, or a refusal to engage in a particular conversation or situation. It conveys a sense of being at a loss for words or lacking an appropriate response to someone’s statement or question.
Example 1:
Person A: The new superhero movie was terrible, I can’t believe people actually enjoyed it.
Person B: I Don’t Know What To Tell You, I thought it was awesome and so did many others.
Example 2:
Person A: I can’t believe you’re still dating that person, they seem so rude!
Person B: I Don’t Know What To Tell You, I really like them and we get along well.
In both examples, Person B uses the phrase “I Don’t Know What To Tell You” to indicate their lack of a satisfactory response to Person A’s statements. It is a way of expressing their disagreement or unwillingness to continue the conversation without providing further explanation or justification.
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