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The internet slang term “Heyy” is a casual greeting used to get someones attention or say hello without the need for formal introductions. It is typically used in online messaging, social media, or chat rooms where people prefer a more casual and relaxed tone.

1. In a group chat:
Person 1: Heyy everyone! What’s the plan for tonight?
Person 2: Not much, just chilling. You joining?

2. On social media:
Person 1: Heyy awesome people! Just wanted to share my new blog post. Check it out!
Person 2: Nice, Ill definitely give it a read!

Using html lists:

Heyy everyone! What’s the plan for tonight?
Not much, just chilling. You joining?

Heyy awesome people! Just wanted to share my new blog post. Check it out!
Nice, I’ll definitely give it a read!

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