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HBU stands forHow about you.” It is an abbreviation commonly used in internet slang to ask someone about their opinion or situation after sharing your own. It’s a way to engage in a conversation and show an interest in the other person’s perspective.


– Conversation 1:

Person A: I just finished watching an amazing movie tonight. HBU?

Person B: Oh, cool! I haven’t watched anything good lately. HBU?

– Conversation 2:

Person A: I’m feeling really tired today. HBU?

Person B: Same here, it’s been a long day. HBU?

In these examples, Person A initiates the conversation or shares something about themselves, and then uses HBU to ask the other person about their own situation or opinion. Person B responds by sharing their own experience or perspective. HBU is commonly used to show interest in the other person’s thoughts and foster further conversation.

HBU, sup, whatsup, howareyou
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