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The internet slang termHasis used to express disbelief or astonishment. It is commonly used to indicate that something is hard to believe or that someone is in a state of shock. This slang term is often used in a dismissive or sarcastic manner.


1. Person A: “Did you hear that Sarah won the lottery?”
Person B: “Has. No introductions.”
Explanation: In this example, Person B is expressing their disbelief at the news of Sarah’s lottery win. They are implying that they find it hard to believe or that it is shocking.

2. Person A: “I just found out that our school is canceling the final exams!”
Person B: “Has. No introductions.”
Explanation: Here, Person B is using the slang term to show astonishment at the unexpected news of the cancellation of final exams. They could be expressing their surprise or disbelief in a playful or sarcastic manner.

got, possess, own, acquire, obtain
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