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Gordo is a slang term used in Spanish-speaking countries to refer to someone who is overweight or chubby. It is a casual and sometimes affectionate way to describe someone’s size or appearance.

In a more detailed sense, gordo is derived from the Spanish word for “fat” and is used to playfully tease or make light-hearted jokes about someone’s weight. It is important to note that the term can be used in different contexts and can have different meanings depending on the tone and relationship between the people involved.

1. “Mi amigo José es un poco gordo, pero siempre está de buen humor.” (My friend José is a little chubby, but he is always in a good mood.)
2. “No te preocupes por lo que dicen, eres hermosa sin importar que seas gorda.” (Don’t worry about what they say, you are beautiful no matter if you are overweight.)

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