Google En Passant


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Google En Passant:
Google En Passant is an internet slang term referring to the action of quickly searching for information on Google while engaging in a conversation or debate to enhance ones argument or provide evidence to support their point. It is often used to find and present real-time information to strengthen an ongoing discussion.


Person A: I believe the latest iPhone model has a better camera than any other smartphone on the market.
Person B: That’s not true, the Samsung Galaxy S21 has a better camera.
Person A: Let’s Google En Passant to settle this debate once and for all.
Person A quickly searches on Google and finds an article comparing the camera quality of both phones.
Person A: According to this article from CNET, the iPhone 12 Pro Max indeed has a higher camera score compared to the Samsung Galaxy S21.

Person A: I read an interesting article yesterday claiming that coffee is actually good for your health.
Person B: I highly doubt that, coffee is known to be unhealthy in excess.
Person A: Let’s Google En Passant to see if there is any truth to that claim.
Person A quickly looks up recent studies on Google.
Person A: Look, this study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reveals that moderate coffee consumption may have some health benefits like reducing the risk of certain diseases.

search, browsing, web surfing
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