Good For You


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Good For Youis a slang term used to sarcastically express mild annoyance or dismissiveness towards someones achievements or accomplishments. It implies an insincere congratulations and can be used to convey a sense of apathy or indifference.

This phrase is often employed in a sarcastic manner to belittle or downplay someone’s accomplishments or good fortune. It is typically used when the speaker does not genuinely care or feel impressed by the other person’s achievement. The use of sarcasm adds a mocking tone and suggests that the speaker finds the achievement unimportant or irrelevant.

Example 1:
Person A: “I finally finished reading that book you recommended!”
Person B: “Oh, good for you.” (implying that they are not interested or impressed)

Example 2:
Person A: “I got a promotion at work!”
Person B: “Wow, good for you.” (sarcasm indicates lack of genuine excitement or enthusiasm)

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