Go On A Bender


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To “go on a bender” means to engage in a period of excessive indulgence in alcohol or drugs.

It is a slang term used to describe a period of time when someone goes on a wild and unrestrained spree of drinking or partying. This typically involves consuming large quantities of alcohol or engaging in drug use for several days or even weeks. During a bender, individuals may lose control over their actions and experience the negative consequences of their excessive behavior.

Example 1: After getting a promotion at work, John decided to go on a bender to celebrate. He didn’t show up for work for the next three days, and his colleagues were worried about his well-being.

Example 2: Jane’s friends were concerned about her when she started to go on a bender every weekend. They witnessed her becoming increasingly reckless and unstable, jeopardizing her relationships and overall health.

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