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Categories: Social Slang

Gloatfest is an internet slang term used to describe a situation or event where people boast or brag excessively, usually with the intention of making others feel jealous or inferior. It refers to a scenario in which individuals engage in an overwhelming display of self-satisfaction or self-congratulation.


1. During the video game tournament, the winning team couldn’t resist turning it into a gloatfest, constantly mocking their opponents and highlighting their victory. Their excessive boasting made the atmosphere quite uncomfortable for everyone else.

2. After landing a prestigious job offer, Sarah took to social media to share every detail of her high salary, luxurious office, and work perks. Her posts quickly turned into a gloatfest, as her friends and followers felt bombarded by her ceaseless bragging.

In summary, gloatfest characterizes instances where individuals excessively flaunt their accomplishments or successes, often causing others to feel envious or inadequate.

bragging, boastfest, showboating, gloating
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