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Categories: Internet Slang

The internet slang termGibis commonly used to express a request or demand for something. It is often used to ask for an item or to request specific information. Here are two practical examples of how this term can be used:

Example 1:

Im playing a video game and I need more ammo, so I might say “Gib me ammo!” to ask my teammates to give me some.
If I’m on a forum and someone is discussing a new smartphone, I might ask “Gib specs!” meaning that I want them to give me the device’s specifications.

Example 2:

I’m discussing online shopping with my friend, and I come across a cool gadget. I might tell my friend “Gib link!” to ask for the link to the product so I can check it out.
Let’s say I’m participating in an online quiz, and I’m struggling with one question. I could comment “Gib answer!” to request someone to give me the correct answer.

comprehend, understand, grasp
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