Getting Weird


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Categories: Social Slang

Getting weirdis an internet slang term commonly used to describe a situation or behavior that is unusual, strange, or out of the ordinary. It implies that something is becoming unconventional or offbeat, often in a humorous or amusing manner.

1. After a long day at work, I joined my friends for a night out. Things were going pretty normal until Chris started dancing like a hippo in the middle of the club. Everyone couldn’t help but laugh, with some saying, “Wow, Chris is really getting weird tonight!”
2. During a video conference call, one of my colleagues accidentally turned on a funny filter that made them appear as a talking potato. We all had a good laugh, saying, “Oh no, things just got weird! It’s the potato party tonight!”

strange, bizarre, odd, peculiar, weirdo, quirky, freakish, abnormal, unusual
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