German Toothbrush


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Categories: Street Slang

The internet slang termGerman Toothbrush” refers to a humorous phrase used to describe the practice of not brushing ones teeth but using mouthwash instead. It suggests that Germans, known for their efficiency and pragmatism, would find this shortcut a practical way to maintain dental hygiene.

In a conversation about oral care:

Person A: Im running late in the mornings, so I started using mouthwash instead of brushing my teeth. It saves time!
Person B: Haha, you’ve adopted the German Toothbrush, huh? Well, it might not be as effective, but it’s better than nothing, I guess.

On a social media post:

Person A: Just found out my roommate has been using mouthwash as a quick substitute for brushing his teeth! Should I be worried?
Person B: Don’t stress over it too much! It’s called the German Toothbrush, and some people prefer the convenience. Encourage him to brush properly though, for better oral health.

butt cleaner, ass brush, butt brush
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