General Post


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General Post is slang for a non-specific social media post or update that does not provide much meaningful information or engage the audience.

A General Post is commonly seen on social media platforms, where users share updates or thoughts without any specific purpose or focus. It is often superficial and lacks depth or substance. These posts are typically brief and may include common topics like what someone had for lunch or their plans for the day, without providing any significant or valuable insight.

Example 1:
Person A: “Just had the best burger ever at this new restaurant! #foodie
Person B: “That’s great, but it’s just a general post. What made the burger so special or unique?”

Example 2:
Person A: “Feeling so tired today. 😴”
Person B: “Sorry to hear that, but that’s a general post. Why do you think you’re feeling tired? Did something specific happen?”

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