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Categories: Street Slang

Agargleris an internet slang term used to refer to someone who constantly talks or argues loudly and aggressively online. They are often known for their confrontational and volatile behavior in online discussions.


1. Don’t even bother engaging with that user; they’re just a gargler who constantly spreads negativity and starts online fights.
2. The online forum was filled with garglers, making it almost impossible to have a rational conversation without being attacked by their relentless comments and insults.

In summary:
– A “gargler” is someone who talks or argues loudly and aggressively online.
– Example 1: “That user is just a gargler who constantly spreads negativity and starts online fights.”
– Example 2: “The online forum was filled with garglers, making rational conversations difficult without being attacked.”

talker, speaker, chatterbox, blabbermouth, motor-mouth
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