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The slang term “Ftfy” stands forfixed that for you.” It is typically used in online communication to indicate that someone has made a correction or improvement to a statement or comment.

In more detail, “Ftfy” is often used in response to a previous statement that contains a mistake, ambiguity, or oversight. By saying “fixed that for you,” the speaker is acknowledging the issue and offering an improved version of the original statement. This can be done either to provide a straightforward correction or to add a humorous twist to the conversation.

Example 1:
Person A: I love programming, it’s like writing in English but with numbers.
Person B: Actually, programming languages don’t use numbers as a writing system. It’s more about giving instructions to computers. Ftfy.

Example 2:
Person A: Today I ate a big peace of pizza.
Person B: I think you meanpiece” of pizza, not “peace.” Ftfy.

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