Fridge Raider


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Categories: Internet Slang

The internet slang termFridge Raider” refers to a person who often raids or steals food from someone elses refrigerator without permission. It is usually used in a playful and lighthearted manner to describe someone who has a habit of taking food from others.


1. In a group chat:

User1: Guess who finished all my leftovers again? The fridge raider strikes once more!
User2: Haha, it’s become a tradition at this point! Hide your food next time!

2. On a social media post:

User1: Can’t believe I found my favorite dessert missing from the fridge! Who’s the fridge raider in my house?
User2: Uh-oh, better set up surveillance to catch the sneaky thief! #FridgeRaider

snacker, food thief, fridge ninja, fridge marauder
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