Fluoride Stare


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Categories: Internet Slang

The internet slang termFluoride Stare” refers to a situation where a person agrees or conforms without questioning, often because they are blindly following popular opinions or trends. It signifies a lack of critical thinking or independent thought.


1. Person A: “The new superhero movie is amazing, everyone loves it!”
Person B: “I don’t know, it felt mediocre to me.”
Person A: “Don’t you have eyes? It’s so obvious, stop giving me that fluoride stare.”

2. Online Forum:
User 1: “I can’t believe people actually enjoy this band; their music is terrible!”
User 2: “Well, there must be something enticing about their sound that you don’t understand. Stop giving us that fluoride stare.”

Examples in Lists:

Jessica disagreed with the popular opinion on The Fluoride Stare movie.
Jonny’s lack of critical thinking and conformity was evident through his Fluoride Stare when discussing fashion trends.

Another way to illustrate:

When discussing the latest internet meme, Sarah always gave a Fluoride Stare since she didn’t understand its humor.
Bob’s lack of independent thought was exposed through his Fluoride Stare as he blindly followed the political ideology of his friends.

emptyeyes, blankstare, glazedlook
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