“Fill in the blanks” is an internet slang term that means to provide missing information or complete a story, usually in a humorous or creative way. It refers to the act of filling in gaps or answering questions that are left unanswered.
1. In a thread discussing a popular TV show plot twist:
User1: Did anyone notice how they never explained why the protagonist disappeared for three episodes?
User2: Oh, that’s easy! He probably joined a secret society of time-traveling cats who needed his help to save the future. #FillInTheBlanks
2. In a social media post about a hilarious incident:
User1: So, today I saw a bird swooping down with a slice of pizza in its beak. Wonder where it got that from?
User2: Maybe it’s part of a seagull undercover mission to infiltrate the pizza delivery mafia! #FillInTheBlanks
Users often use “Fill in the blanks” when there is missing information or unanswered questions in a discussion or story.
The term allows people to use their creativity to create humorous or imaginative explanations to complete the missing parts.
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