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Categories: Internet Slang

FICCL is an internet slang term that stands forFake Internet Cool Cat List.” It refers to a hypothetical list or ranking of individuals who pretend to be cool or popular online, but are considered fake or insincere by others.


1. Sarah: Did you see that guy bragging about his luxurious lifestyle on social media?

Emily: Yeah, he’s definitely at the top of the FICCL. I doubt half of what he posts is real.

2. Alex: Have you noticed how that influencer always tries to be funny in their videos, but it comes off as forced?

Ryan: Totally, theyre trying too hard to fit into the FICCL. Authenticity is always better.

  • FICCL is an abbreviation for Fake Internet Cool Cat List.
  • The term refers to individuals who pretend to be cool or popular online.
  • It suggests that these people are considered fake or insincere by others.
  • Example 1: Sarah and Emily discuss someone on social media who brags about a luxurious lifestyle but is thought to be fake by others.
  • Example 2: Alex and Ryan talk about an influencer who tries to be funny but doesn’t come across as genuine, putting them in the FICCL category.
FICCL: Finna Crack It Like Crazy
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