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Categories: Social Slang

The internet slang termFem-Manis used to describe a man who exhibits or embraces characteristics and behaviors typically associated with femininity. This term is often used to describe men who are more sensitive, emotional, or have interests that are perceived as more traditionally feminine.

1. John is often teased by his friends for being a Fem-Man because he enjoys shopping for clothes and has a passion for interior design.
2. Despite being a successful lawyer, Mark is often labeled as a Fem-Man because he is expressive about his feelings and is not afraid to cry during emotional moments.

The term “Fem-Man” is used to describe men who display characteristics typically associated with femininity.
John is considered a Fem-Man because of his interest in shopping and interior design.
Mark is labeled as a Fem-Man due to his emotional expressiveness.

effeminate, feminine, man with feminine characteristics, male with feminine qualities
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