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Categories: Street Slang

Fchwpo is an internet slang term that stands forFelt Cute, Might Delete Later.” This phrase is used to describe a situation where someone has posted a picture or a message on social media, but they are uncertain about it and may decide to delete it later.


1. Just uploaded a selfie! Fchwpo.
In this example, the person is expressing that they felt cute when taking a selfie and decided to share it, but they might remove it later if they change their mind or feel less confident about it.

2. Check out my new outfit! Fchwpo.
In this instance, the person is showing off their fashion choice, but they are not sure if they want to keep the post up permanently. They might delete it based on the reactions or their own fluctuating opinion about the outfit.

Fchwpo: lmao, laughing my ass off
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