Fax, No Printer


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Categories: Street Slang

The internet slang termFax, No Printeris used to express disbelief or skepticism towards a statement or claim. It implies that the information being presented is so unbelievable that even the outdated technology of sending faxes would be more believable than the claim itself. It is often used humorously to challenge the credibility or outrageousness of something.

– If someone says, “I can eat an entire pizza in one bite, no problem!”
Response: “Fax, No Printer. That’s just too absurd to be true.”
– If someone claims, “I won the lottery three times in a row!”
– Response: “Fax, No Printer. Winning the lottery once is already highly unlikely, winning it three times is just unbelievable.”

additional, copies, copying, duplicate, photocopies
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