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Categories: Street Slang

The internet slang termfareis used to describe how well someone is doing, usually referring to their physical or mental state. It is commonly used to inquire about someone’s overall well-being or to express concern or interest in their current condition.


1. Person A: Hey, how are you doing today?
Person B: Im doing great, thanks for asking! How about you?
Person A: I’m doing fare too, just taking it easy.

2. Person A: Haven’t seen you in a while! How have you been?
Person B: Oh, I’ve been dealing with some personal stuff, but I’m starting to fare better now.
Person A: I’m sorry to hear that. If you need anything, let me know.


– Fare is used to ask about someone’s well-being or current state.
– It is often used to express personal condition, such as physical or mental health.
– This term can be used to express concern or interest in someone’s overall welfare.

goodbye, bye, laters, peace, cya, see ya, adios, farewell
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