Electric Boogaloo


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Categories: Music Slang

Electric Boogaloo is an internet slang term used to indicate a sequel or continuation of something. It is often humorous and added to the title or phrase as a way to emphasize the concept of a follow-up. Here are two practical examples of how this term can be used:

1. A user comments on a social media post about a highly anticipated movie and says, “Avengers: Endgame was amazing! Can’t wait for Avengers: Electric Boogaloo!” Here, the term is used to suggest a desire for another Avengers movie or a continuation of the exciting storyline.

2. During a discussion about a popular video game franchise, someone says, “I hope they release Fortnite 2: Electric Boogaloo with new maps and better graphics!” Here, the term is used to express the wish for an improved version or sequel to the original game.

sequel, follow-up, part 2, second installment
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