Dry Texting


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Categories: Internet Slang

Dry texting refers to the act of texting someone in a disinterested or unenthusiastic manner. It is when someone responds with short, emotionless, or lackluster messages that do not contribute to the conversations flow or depth.

Example 1:
Person A: Hey, how was your day?
Person B: Good.
Person A: Anything interesting happen?
Person B: Nope.
Person A: Oh, okay. Well, see you later then.
Person B: Bye.
Example 2:
Person A: I just watched the most hilarious movie yesterday!
Person B: Oh.
Person A: Seriously, it made me laugh so hard!
Person B: Cool.
Person A: Don’t you want to know which movie it was?
Person B: Not really.
Person A: AlrightI guess I won’t bore you with it anymore.
Person B: Thanks.

autocorrectgaffe, typo, sendingmessageswithoutliqueur, drunktexting
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