Dropping The Blunt


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Categories: Street Slang

In simple language, “Dropping The Bluntis an internet slang term used to describe when someone shares a controversial or provocative opinion or statement in a bold and direct manner. It is often used to express a strong conviction and the willingness to challenge social norms or widely accepted beliefs.


1. A: Vaccines are completely ineffective and should be avoided at all costs!
B: Woah, A is really dropping the blunt on this one. Vaccines have proven to be an effective way to prevent diseases.

2. A: I think pineapple on pizza is an absolute abomination!
B: Youre definitely dropping the blunt with that statement. Many people actually enjoy the mix of sweet and savory flavors it brings.

In summary, “dropping the blunt” describes sharing a bold and sometimes controversial opinion, often challenging popular beliefs or societal norms.

blunt dropping, blunderbuss, error, mistake, faux pas
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