DonT Ask Me The Color Of Anything


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The internet slang termDonT Ask Me The Color Of Anythingis a phrase used to express frustration or annoyance towards someone who asks a question that seems obvious or unnecessary. It implies that the person asking the question should have already known the answer or could have easily found it themselves with a little effort. It conveys a sense of impatience and suggests that the person using the phrase sees the question as a waste of time.


Example 1:

UserA: Hey, whats the current time in New York?
UserB: DonT Ask Me The Color Of Anything. Just check your phone or any other reliable source.

Example 2:

UserA: Can you tell me the weather forecast for tomorrow in Tokyo?
UserB: DonT Ask Me The Color Of Anything. There are many weather apps and websites available where you can easily find out the information you need.

The phrase “DonT Ask Me The Color Of Anything” is often used to remind others that some questions can be answered independently without relying on someone else for every piece of information.

ignorant, clueless, uninformed, oblivious, clueless, unaware
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