Dog food: In internet slang, “dog food” refers to the act of using and testing a product or service internally before making it available to the public. It is often used to describe the practice of organizations trying out their own products or services to identify any issues or improvements needed before releasing them to customers.
1. An online streaming platform is developing a new feature that allows users to share personalized playlists. Before making it available to all users, the company’s employees are dogfooding the feature to ensure it works smoothly and meets their expectations. They want to test it thoroughly to identify any bugs or usability problems.
2. A tech company is about to launch a new mobile app for language learning. To ensure its quality and effectiveness, they have decided to have their staff dog food the app for a couple of weeks. This way, they can gather feedback, make necessary adjustments, and ensure that the app provides an optimal learning experience for users.
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