Discord Kitten


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Categories: Internet Slang

Discord Kitten is an internet slang term used to refer to a new or inexperienced user on the Discord platform, which is a popular communication app for gamers. These users are often stereotyped as being young, naive, or lacking knowledge about Discord’s features or etiquette.


1. Someone on a Discord server may say:

Hey, who’s the Discord Kitten asking basic questions in the general chat?”

In this example, the person is pointing out a new user who is asking questions that are considered common knowledge among more experienced Discord users.

2. A Discord user might say:

Don’t mind my friend, he’s still a Discord Kitten. He’s still learning the ropes.”

In this instance, the person is defending their friend by explaining that they are a newbie to the platform and may not yet have a good grasp on how things work.

felinefuzz, kittenchat, kittydiscord
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