Dead end


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Categories: Street Slang

Dead endis an internet slang term used to describe a situation or a point in an online conversation where there is no further progress or resolution possible. It signifies a complete lack of response or an ending point in a discussion that cannot be continued.


1. In a chat conversation:

User1: Whats your favorite food?

User2: I don’t eat meat.

User1: Oh, really? What about fish?

User2: Nope, I’m a vegetarian.

User1: Cool. So, do you like pizza?

User2: Dead end.

2. In a comment thread on social media:

User1: I think the new movie was amazing! The suspense kept me on the edge of my seat!

User2: I found it quite predictable and the acting was subpar.

User1: Well, everyone has different opinions.

User2: Yeah, and that’s why this discussion is a dead end.

In these examples, the term “dead end” is used to indicate that the conversation has reached a point where both parties cannot progress any further or find common ground. It implies that there is no use in continuing the discussion as there is no possibility of further understanding or resolution.

impasse, stalemate, roadblock, standstill, deadlock
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