Clutch Dump


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Categories: Street Slang

Clutch Dump is an internet slang term that refers to a situation where someone successfully completes a challenging task or overcomes a difficult situation at the last moment. It essentially means coming through at a critical time or under pressure.

– Example 1:

Person A: “I can’t believe I forgot about the deadline for the project! It’s due in an hour!”
Person B: “Don’t worry, just do a clutch dump and finish it before the time runs out.”
Explanation: In this scenario, Person A is in a stressful situation due to forgetting the project’s deadline. Person B suggests doing a clutch dump, meaning that Person A should put in a concentrated effort and complete the project just in time to meet the deadline.

– Example 2:

Person X: “We are losing the game, and there are only a few seconds left on the clock.”
Person Y: “We need someone to make a clutch dump and score a goal to tie or win the match!”
Explanation: Here, Person X expresses concern about their team losing the game. Person Y suggests making a clutch dump, which means that someone from the team needs to step up and make a remarkable play to score a goal in the final seconds, potentially resulting in a tie or victory.

release, drop, let go
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