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Categories: Workplace Slang

The internet slang termChisel” refers to the act of asking or requesting for something, typically money, in a persistent and relentless manner. It usually implies a sense of continuously nagging or begging until the person on the receiving end gives in.


1. Person A: Hey, can you lend me some cash for the weekend? I promise to pay you back.
Person B: Sorry, I can’t right now.
Person A: Come on, just a little bit. I really need it. Don’t be a chisel!

2. Person X: Can I copy your homework? I didn’t have time to finish it.
Person Y: No, sorry, I worked hard on it.
Person X: Please, I really need it. Don’t be a chisel about it!

– A person who persistently asks for something, especially money, is called a chisel.
– Chiseling refers to the act of continuously nagging or begging until the request is fulfilled.

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