Checks Out


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Categories: Internet Slang

Checks outis a slang term that means something or someone is legitimate, believable, or matches expectations. It is often used to indicate that a situation or person is consistent with what is expected or does not raise any suspicions.

When someone says that a situation or person “checks out,” they are typically expressing their confidence or acceptance in the validity or truthfulness of that situation or person. It suggests that there are no red flags or doubts raised and everything aligns as expected.

Example 1: After thorough investigation, the detective concluded that the suspects alibi checks out. All the evidence supported his claim of being at a different location during the time of the crime.

Example 2: The new employee’s credentials and references all checked out, so the HR manager felt confident in hiring her for the job. It was reassuring to see such consistent records and positive feedback from previous employers.

validates, confirms, okay, approved, verified
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